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Wikibase implementation of the Collection Description (CD) standard
This Wikibase will be used to demonstrate the current CD standard using real data.
The data standard is currently under development. This development is done in GitHub
Wikibase model
This Wikibase contains the properties defined in the Collection Description standard. In case a controlled vocabulary is needed for a property, this is modelled as follows:
- The property is pointing to an 'Item'
- This item should be an instance of a 'Concept'. See this example: dried pinned (Q46)
Not all concepts and controlled vocabulary term are already present in the Wikibase. So when adding your institutional data, it might/will be necessary to add new terms to the Wikibase.
Collection modelling: example
Example collection
As an example, we modeled the herbarium of Meise Botanic Garden in the Wikibase. The main components of the example description are:
- General description of the collection: Meise Botanic Garden Herbarium (Q123)
- Descriptions of the collection metrics (simplified!): BR-1 (Q128) and BR-2 (Q133)
- Item to represent the institute: Agentschap Plantentuin Meise (Q124)
Example Queries on collections
Get the total number of curatorial objects
This query gives the total amount of specimen:
The following query uses these:
- properties: cd:objectType (P15) , cd:hasInstitution (P127)
PREFIX cd:<> PREFIX cdt:<> PREFIX cds: <> PREFIX cdp: <> PREFIX cdq: <> PREFIX cdps: <> SELECT ?item ?object ?count WHERE { ?item cdt:P127 cd:Q124 . ?item cdp:P15 ?statement. ?statement cdps:P15 ?object. ?statement cdq:P106 ?count. SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } }
Get the total number of digitized specimen at MIDS level 1
The following query uses these:
- properties: cd:digitalRecordType (P113) , cd:hasInstitution (P127)
PREFIX cd:<> PREFIX cdt:<> PREFIX cds: <> PREFIX cdp: <> PREFIX cdq: <> PREFIX cdps: <> SELECT ?item ?object ?count WHERE { ?item cdt:P127 cd:Q124 . ?item cdp:P113 ?statement. ?statement cdps:P113 ?object. ?statement cdq:P123 ?count. ?statement cdq:P121 cd:Q120. SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } }
CD standard: Example Queries
Controlled vocabulary of preservation methods
This SPARQL query gives an overview of all preservation methods present in the wikibase.
The following query uses these:
- Items: PreservationMethod (Q41)
- properties: instance of (P1)
PREFIX cd:<> PREFIX cdt:<> SELECT ?method ?methodLabel WHERE { ?method cdt:P1 cd:Q41. SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } }
List of all Classes
This query provides you with a list of all available classes in the standard
The following query uses these:
- Items: Class (Q6)
- properties: instance of (P1)
PREFIX cd:<> PREFIX cdt:<> SELECT ?class ?classLabel WHERE { ?class cdt:P1 cd:Q6. SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } }
List of all properties belonging to the ObjectGroup Class
This query creates a list of all properties belonging to the ObjectGroup class
The following query uses these:
- Items: ObjectGroup (Q3)
- properties: is part of (P3)
PREFIX cd:<> PREFIX cdt:<> SELECT ?prop ?propLabel WHERE { ?prop cdt:P3 cd:Q3. SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } }